We FOUND Joy in 2020

Tis true…we asked our amazing shady peeps where they found joy in this most challenging of a year. We also know that by sharing joy, it will spark MORE joy, which will ignite EVEN more joy and soon, we’ll have a joy avalanche that will push us through into 2021!

Our team wanted to share their most joy FILLED photos of 2020 with you. From weddings, to new puppers, to glorious sunsets, 2020 wasn’t all murder hornets, flying snakes and toilet paper shortages.

“Meet Sedona (a/k/a Seddie), my new grandpuppy. My daughter rescued her a few months ago. She has her Thanksgiving treat from grandma on her nose waiting to be told it is ok to eat it. Isn’t she beautiful? She makes me happy!!”
– Ginny
“This is Lexy & my ONE and Only sunrise this year on the dock at camp…”
My husband and I did a very ‘touristy’ thing over the summer. We took a sunset cruise on Lake Champlain and I’m so giddy we did. The sunset made me aware that this crazy world will continue to spin, no matter what. It was profound reminder, this too shall pass away.”
– Jody
“In the beginning of the pandemic, after a particularly difficult day and sleepless night I went to my car and saw this. The beauty of it stopped me in my tracks – I literally was able to exhale a breath I hadn’t known I had been holding. It was a gorgeous reminder that we are surrounded by beauty. I slept well that night. “
“Riding with combat vets on the perfect peak foliage day. Freedom and beauty during a time when our worlds where a lot smaller.
– Amy
This because I always wanted a deer since I was a kid. No one in my family is a hunter so I never got to learn. As an adult, I had to teach myself. Many years of learning through failures, and this year got my first one and it was one of those “wise old bucks” that are very difficult to take when you are in their house.
– Greg
“In a year when not many people would say that this was one of the best years of their lives, I am able to. I found so much joy, happiness, and life to be thankful for. 2020 brought me a new home, an engagement, a new puppy, and a wedding! All of these life changes were impacted by the events of 2020; however, a lot of great memories were created along the way that I will cherish forever.”
” In August Steve & I went on our Vermont “staycation” to Woodstock – we had a glorious day that included a trip to the Billings Farm and Museum … on the property was this awesome Sunflower House! 10,000 square feet of so many varieties of sunflowers and of course their resident BEES! 
Loved it !!! “
– Barb
“Here is a photo coming down Mt Mansfield on the way to hike a total of about 15 miles of the long trail to get to Bolton Resort. This was a fantastic Summer and Fall to be hiking, and this hike was the most challenging I did. It was painful, but oh so rewarding. And had it been a “normal” summer I might not have fallen in love with hiking so much.”
It was late winter vacationing in Marco Island, Florida, when all was right with the world.”
“In March of this year I had the chance to ski with three of my grandsons at Sugarbush. Not long after that we stopped being able to see each other. This is a very fond memory of a fun day!”
“Moving into our first home on Thanksgiving week certainly gave us something to be thankful for. Looks like a good place to spend 30+ years together.”

We’re grateful to each and every member of our work family. Each person brings something wonderful to our company that’s uniquely valuable.

Annnnnnd we are grateful FOR our AMAZING customers! Thank you to each and every one of you, near and far for making the most out of 2020!